2024 results

The Calendar Rug
by A* alittlemore studio

The Calendar Rug by A* alittlemore studio
Photo by A* alittlemore studio

A* alittlemore studio has designed The Calendar Rug.

The Calendar Rug is a foray into visual storytelling, depicting vivid abstractions of the Punjabi landscape.

Encoded in this conceptual piece are the seasonal transitions, including the farming cycles of three major crops of the region – wheat, rice and cotton – over one year.

The labour-intensive process of carpet-making mirrors the hardships endured by farmers desperate to prepare the land for the next sowing season.

"In their fervour, they burn expansive swathes of land that pollute the land and sky for weeks on end, slowly sapping the once bountiful Punjabi soil of its nutrients," told A* alittlemore studio.

This project has been longlisted in the textile design category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio:  A* alittlemore studio
Project: The Calendar Rug

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