2024 results

Triangle House
by Artefact

Triangle House by Artefact
Photo by Lorenzo Zandri

Artefact has designed and added a new wing to Triangle House in London, United Kingdom.

Triangle House is a detached 1950s suburban home at the end of a cul-de-sac in Epsom, where Artefact created a new wing to the house that chases the afternoon sun at the back of the garden.

Crafted from triangular blue blocks and terracotta tiles, with a warm yellow ceiling, the extension references the tones of the existing house and the client’s heritage, inspired by the book 'Caribbean Style'.

The vibrant architecture is framed by an exotic planting scheme by Phenomena, as banana palms and lush planting unfurl along the sweeping blue terrace that unites the existing house and the new extension.

This project has been longlisted in the house renovation category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Artefact
Project: Triangle House
Credits: JBL Building London and SimpleWorks

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