2024 results

Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks
by Line+ Studio

Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks by Line+ Studio
Photo by Line+ Studio

Line+ Studio has designed the Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks tunnel in Shaoxing, China.

Nestled in the scenic mountains of Southeastern China lies the Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks tunnel.

Serving as both an entry point to the Xiyanbei Scenic Area and a crucial element in landscape restoration, this tunnel seamlessly integrates with its surroundings.

Crafted from obsidian-toned natural slate and woven indigenous timber, it evokes a sense of harmony with the natural landscape.

Advanced parametric modelling techniques and meticulous craftsmanship were employed in its construction, creating a transcendent journey through swirling clouds and panoramic tea fields.

This project stands as a testament to human ingenuity, environmental stewardship, and the beauty of nature.

This project has been longlisted in the infrastructure and transport project category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Line+ Studio
Project: Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks

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