2024 results

Zinder School Canteen
by ACTA (Action Through Architecture)

Zinder School Canteen by ACTA (Action Through Architecture)
Photo by Ollivier Girard

ACTA (Action Through Architecture) has designed the Zinder School Canteen in Zinder, Niger.

In Zinder, near the Nigerian border, villages with earth and straw houses suffer significant damage during the rainy season.

ACTA's student refectory project offers a durable solution using local materials.

"They proposed BTS (stabilised earth bricks) made from laterite and 7% cement, ensuring better durability and thermal performance," said ACTA.

The canteen, built with sustainable, cost-effective materials is a hygienic, cool, and well-organised space for storing food, preparing meals and dining.

This initiative combats high dropout rates by providing a nearby dining option improving school attendance.

This project has been shortlisted in the small project category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: ACTA (Action Through Architecture)
Project: Zinder School Canteen
Credits: GIZ German Development Cooperation

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