Graphic for Light in Motion exhibition

Light in Motion

13-22 SepSeptember 2024
London, UK

Creative studio Acrylicize presents Light in Motion during London Design Festival 2024, an exhibition featuring the work of multiple designers, artists and engineers conveying ideas about light, space, time, movement and perception.

Work featured in the exhibition includes collectable design, artworks and installations by Duncan Carter, Kai Lab, Heyl and Van Dam, Maria Vera, Relative Distance, Sophie Mei Birkin, Star Holden, Will Laslett and Will Muir Llia.

The exhibition also hosts a series of workshops from 1:oopm to 5:00pm on 14 and 22 September and a talk by a selection of its featured artists from 6:00pm to 9:00pm on September 17.

Light in Motion takes place from 13 to 22 September 2024 at The Art House, 30-36 Pritchard's Road, London E2 9AP, UK.