URBREW Craft Beer Mashing Workshop by Name Lab
Photo by Name Lab

URBREW Craft Beer Mashing Workshop

Name Lab has designed the URBREW Craft Beer Mashing Workshop in Hebei, China.

This project is an extension of the local brewery, URBREW, and serves as the core highlight of the entire factory area.

The building is divided into upper and lower blocks: the upper part is a silver-white double-slope building block, with a workshop operation platform and a visiting display platform inside, while the lower part is a glass cube with a production operation area inside.

The upper and lower blocks are divided by a layer of red weathering steel structure, giving the entire building three levels: white, red and transparent.

"This workshop is the saccharification workshop of the entire brewery," said Name Lab. "Due to process requirements, the interior of the workshop is in a state of high temperature and humidity all year round."

This project has been shortlisted in the workplace project category of Dezeen Awards China 2023.

Studio: Name Lab
Project: URBREW Craft Beer Mashing Workshop

URBREW Craft Beer Mashing Workshop by Name Lab
Photo by Name Lab

URBREW Craft Beer Mashing Workshop

Name Lab has designed the URBREW Craft Beer Mashing Workshop in Hebei, China. (more…)