2023获奖名单 (2023 results)

Mario Tsai Studio

Pagoda by Mario Tsai Studio. Photo by Mario Tsai

Winner: Designer of the year 2023. Research-based design practice Mario Tsai Studio.

Founded in Hangzhou in 2014, Mario Tsai Studio is known for its innovative sustainable design. The studio uses rigorous logic coupled with a fluid sense of artistry. Founder Mario Tsai has been participating in various international design exhibitions to showcase his unique development approach.

Recent projects include Pagoda Lighting, Origin Collection Chair and his latest exhibition “Light from Architecture” in Shanghai.

Judges comments: "Based in Hangzhou since 2014, this designer has developed a variety of projects that span product, installation and exhibition design. In recent years, his dedication to exploring new technology and unconventional materials has elevated his work in innovative and surprising ways."

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