2023获奖名单 (2023 results)

Self Revealing
by Studio X4

Self Revealing by Studio X4
Photo by Studio X4

Winner: Health and wellbeing interior of the year 2023. Studio X4 has designed the Self Revealing meditation space in Taipei City, Taiwan.

This project is a meditation space for visitors to enjoy the practice of mindfulness amid the intensity of city life.

"By exploring the process of personality materialisation and self-formation, we understand that the self is affected by external factors," said Studio X4. "Influenced by the inevitable two-way nature of interiority, reality and ideals, the design concept of this case is extended."

Treating human consciousness and thoughts as capricious, distorted and non-linear, this quality is transformed into the dark background of the field and the continuity of the Bezier surface and the arches and shapes of the entrance and exit are integrated into a buffer.

The concentrated light in the centre is like the revelation of skylight and the sudden awakening is like a sublimated light injected into the complex thoughts.

In addition, the street trees outside the window become the foil in the framed scenery, allowing the world outside to intertwine with the world inside the opening.

Studio: Studio X4
Project: Self Revealing

首席赞助 | Headline sponsor

  • Bentley

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