2023获奖名单 (2023 results)

Studio Kae

Veneer Bleed Collection by Zhekai Zhang
Veneer Bleed Collection by Zhekai Zhang. Photo by Chun Yang

Winner: Emerging designer of the year 2023. Shanghai-based young design consultation Studio Kae.

Kae was founded by Zhekai Zhang and Keren Wang in 2019 and moved to Shanghai in 2020. Kae is dedicated to bringing new insights into home products with innovative processes and sustainable materials. The studio’s philosophy is to develop unique design languages from the perspective of the relationship between industrial production and craftsmanship.

Recent projects include Soft Crush Vase and U-pot Vase.

Judges comments: "This young studio demonstrates a deep understanding of materials to boldly reinterpret traditional crafts, which speaks volumes of this new generation's cultural confidence in Chinese design."

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  • Bentley

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