2023获奖名单 (2023 results)

Twosome Inn
by Atelier d'More

Twosome Inn by Atelier d'More
Photo by Atelier d'More

Winner: Hotel and short-stay interior of the year 2023. Atelier d'More, in collaboration with How Studio, has designed the Twosome Inn interiors in Beijing, China.

Twosome Inn is located in Tangdazhuang Village, Tongzhou District, Beijing; a village that preserves the traditional bungalow architectural form in the north.

"The houses here are made of red bricks and have traditional features such as elements of ancient Chinese architecture, painted patterns and wooden pitched roofs," told Atelier d'More. "Extracting and reconstructing these traditional architectural features [was] a challenging design task."

This project was commissioned to transform the original bungalow and courtyard with a total area of only 88 square metres into a boutique hotel.

"It was intended to inject a new core with modern geometric elements and reshape the building based on the characteristics of the original building and site," added Atelier d'More.

Studio: Atelier d'More
Project: Twosome Inn
Credits: How Studio

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